4.8 Stars - 893 Reviews

Hills Feline Indoor Cat 1.5kg

Peanuts for Wild Birds 2.73kg



Science Plan*

(Compared to Science Plan* Feline Adult)
Fibre – high
Energy – reduced
Fat – reduced
Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium – reduced to avoid excessive intake
L-Carnitine – supplemented
Produces acidic urine

Science Plan* Indoor Cat Adult is designed to meet the needs of cats that live
mainly or exclusively indoors.  Its formulation helps to minimise the formation
of hairballs and provide effective control of weight gain.

– The high level of vegetable fibre helps to sweep ingestion hairs through the
digestive system, reducing their accumulation as hairballs and subsequent
regurgitation or vomition.

– Providing a nutritionally-balanced food with reduced energy density helps control
body weight, and relpacing digestible calories eith indigestible fibre increases bulk
and helps to avoid hungar.  L-carnitine supplementation ensures adequate levels to
help limit fat deposition and maintain lean body mass.

– The acidic urinary pH produced and the contolled mineral content help to maintain
urinary tract health.

For optimal effect Science Plan* Indoor Cat Adult should be fed as the sole food,
i.e. not be diluted by mixing with other foods.

Science Plan* Indoor cat Adult also contains a Superior Antioxidant Formula to reduce
oxidative cell damage.

1. Kittens
2. Pregnant or lactating queens.  During pregnancy and lactation, queens should be
switched to Scince Plan* Kitten.

Many factors such as environmental conditions, activity level, stage of life and
induividual variation (temperment, stress) can affect the amount of food needed.
Adult cats should be fed only sufficient food to maintain their ideal body weight,
in one or two meals per day.  Science Plan* Indoor Cat Adult should not be
supplemented as such additional may upset the nutritional balance. 
Fresh water should be available at all times.

The following feeding ranges are intended as a starting point only and should be
adjusted as required to maintain optimal body weight.

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